This article describes how to use the template for a new package. The Overview section presents a recipe that leads to a fully configure package. The rest of the sections illustrate some of the steps. For more general information about R package development, refer to (Wickham 2015).
The following steps set up:
- Essential configurations for deploying an R package locally and on GitHub; and
- Information about the package and the development team.
To use the template for a new package, follow the next steps:
- Choose a package name:
- Do use the following characters: letters (uppercase or uppercase), digits and dot (“.”); and
- Don’t use spaces, underscores or hyphens. Instead, use camelCase or dots to separate words.
- Create a new repo on GitHub; name the repo after the package name;
- Copy the content of template.package into the new repo;
- Delete the
- Rename
to {package-name}.Rproj
- Update the following fields within the DESCRIPTION file:
Package; rename the package name.
Title; describe the package in one line:
- It should be plain text (no markup), capitalised like a title, and NOT end in a period; and
- Keep it short: listings truncate the title to 65 characters.
URL; Add a link pointing at the GitHub pages address of the package:
BugReports; edit the URL such that it leads to the package issue page:
Date; replace with the creation date of the package:
- The specified date determines the MRAN snapshot date; alternatively
- Use the most recent packages on CRAN by removing that filed.
Authors and Maintainer: Update persons information;
Description; Elaborate the package Title:
- You can use multiple sentences but you are limited to one paragrap; and
- If your description spans multiple lines (and it should!), each line must be no more than 80 characters wide. Indent subsequent lines with 4 spaces
- Render the
file. By default, README.Rmd displays package information gathered from the DESCRIPTION file;
- Push changes to GitHub;
- Connect the GitHub repo to external services:
- Go to GitHub user Settings/Developer settings/Personal access tokens and generate a token named GITHUB_PAT; then
- Go to Travis website, add the project and enable its integration. Add GITHUB_PAT as an environment variable; then
- Go to Codecov website, add the project and enable its integration.
Wickham, Hadley. 2015. R Packages: Organize, Test, Document, and Share Your Code.; " O’Reilly Media, Inc.".